If you're looking for children story books written by some of the world's best authors, then you've come to the right place! Greatchildrensbooks.net


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Children Story Books ... the best of the best featured right here.

Welcome to greatchildrensbooks.net, home of the world's best-selling children's book authors. Here you'll find some of the most wonderful books presently on the market, all for sale here on our website. Our author selection process is a stringent one: we choose our Featured Author based on the quality of their work as well as their distribution level. Our authors gear their work towards old-fashioned story-telling, stories that entertain while providing life lessons along the way. In other words, simple, straight-forward stories, the best kind for bedtime reading. Check out our site and the various books that our Featured Author has on sale... you won't be disappointed and we guarantee that you'll be returning to see what other stories he or she has to tell and sell!

Mishi's Magic World is just one of Carla's best-selling children's books. What began as an impromptu story about her beloved pet Mishi slowly blossomed into a best-selling children's book. She's currently working on several more efforts, and we can't wait to see what imaginative yarn she weaves next! Browse's Carla's works for sale by clicking on the "Books for Sale" tab above.

Meet Featured Children's Author Carla Martilotti

What do you want to do, Mishi? Since you are fairies, Mishi said, I want to enter into a magical world. Okay! the fairies said. Let's go!"

                                    From Mishi's Magic World